I am enthusiastic about future technologies, I am particularly excited about developments in physics, electrical engineering, and computer science, which has led me to studying physics. I have finished my PhD in quantum physics within the Doctoral Programme Atoms, Light, and Molecules at the University of Innsbruck in 2020. After that, I have conducted research as Postdoc at the University of Innsbruck for one year.
On small scales, physics are governed by the laws of quantum mechanics, which, strikingly, may be exploited in order to gain an advantage in information processing tasks leading to pioneering new technologies such as quantum cryptography or quantum computation. These prospects have stirred my inner drive to understand complex systems and my studies on quantum physics.

portrait ©FotoHoferIbk
Curriculum Vitae
11/2015–04/2020 | PhD in physics, University of Innsbruck Applications of multipartite entanglement and state transformations supervised by Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Barbara Kraus within the FWF Doctoral Programme Atoms, Light, and Molecules (DK-ALM) |
10/2013–11/2015 | MSc in physics, with distinction (average grade 1.2), University of Innsbruck The maximally entangled set of tripartite qutrit states supervised by Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Barbara Kraus |
02/2011–09/2013 | BSc in engineering physics, with distinction (average grade 1.0), University of Linz Bose gas of tilted dipoles in coupled 2D-layers—ground state supervised by Priv. Doz. Dr. Robert E. Zillich |
07/2010–01/2011 | Military service, Austria |
09/2005–06/2010 | HTBL (Federal Higher Technical Institute), College of Electrical Engineering Specialising in Information Technology, with distinction (average grade 1.0), Saalfelden |
from 10/2021 on | Research and development, FAS GmbH, Ingolstadt |
05/2020–04/2021 | Postdoc, University of Innsbruck Research in quantum information theory—quantum computation and entanglement theory |
12/2015–04/2020 | Research assistant, University of Innsbruck within the FWF Doctoral Programme Atoms, Light, and Molecules (DK-ALM). Research in quantum information theory—quantum computation and entanglement theory: Characterization of entanglement, characterization of state transformations |
03/2014–02/2016 | Student assistant, University of Innsbruck Assistance in conducting exams at the Department of Economics |
Prizes and Scholarships
Distinguished poster prize of the Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual during the Multipartite Entanglement Workshop, Benasque, 2018
Wilhelm Macke Recognition Prize, Linz, 2014, rewarding studies of short duration with excellent grades, plus a very good bachelor thesis
Various merit scholarships by Wirtschaftskammer Salzburg – Sparte Industrie (2007–2009), University of Linz (2012, 2013), and University of Innsbruck (2015)
Local transformations of multiple multipartite states
A. Neven, D. Gunn, M. Hebenstreit, B. Kraus
SciPost Phys. 11, 042 (2021)
Measurement outcomes that do not occur and their role in entanglement transformations
M. Hebenstreit, M. Englbrecht, C. Spee, J. de Vicente, B. Kraus
New J. Phys. 23, 033046 (2021)
Computational power of matchgates with supplementary resources
Editor’s suggestion
M. Hebenstreit, R. Jozsa, B. Kraus, S. Strelchuk
Phys. Rev. A 102, 052604 (2020)
A link between symmetries of critical states and the structure of SLOCC classes in multipartite systems
O. Słowik, M. Hebenstreit, B. Kraus, A. Sawicki
Quantum 4, 300 (2020)
All pure fermionic non-Gaussian states are magic states for matchgate computations
M. Hebenstreit, R. Jozsa, B. Kraus, S. Strelchuk, M. Yoganathan
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 080503 (2019)
Coarse graining of entanglement classes in 2 × m × n systems
M. Hebenstreit, M. Gachechiladze, O. Gühne, B. Kraus
Phys. Rev. A 97, 032330 (2017)
Compressed quantum computation using a remote five-qubit quantum computer
M. Hebenstreit, D. Alsina, J. I. Latorre, B. Kraus
Phys. Rev. A 95, 052339 (2017)
Subradiance and entanglement in atoms with several independent decay channels
M. Hebenstreit, B. Kraus, L. Ostermann, H. Ritsch
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 143602 (2017)
Multicomponent correlated-basis-function method and its application to multilayered dipolar Bose gases
M. Rader, M. Hebenstreit, R. E. Zillich
Phys. Rev. A 95, 033625 (2017)
Maximally entangled set of tripartite qutrit states and pure state separable transformations which are not possible via local operations and classical communication
Editor’s suggestion
M. Hebenstreit, C. Spee, B. Kraus
Phys. Rev. A 93, 012339 (2016)
Dipolar bilayer with antiparallel polarization: A self-bound liquid
M. Hebenstreit, M. Rader, R. E. Zillich
Phys. Rev. A 93, 013611 (2016)
Talks at conferences, workshops, and research meetings
Classically simulable quantum computation and matchgate circuits
Algebraic and Statistical ways into Quantum Resource Theories, Banff, 2019
Classically simulable quantum computation and matchgate circuits
DK-ALM Summerworkshop, Kitzbühel, 2019
Matchgate circuits and compressed quantum computation
44th SFB FoQuS meeting, Vienna, 2018
The entanglement hierarchy of 2 × m × n systems
APS March Meeting, Los Angeles, 2018
The entanglement hierarchy of 2 × m × n systems
XV International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Minsk, 2017
SLOCC hierarchy of generic states in 2 × m × n level systems
XV Gemeinsame Jahrestagung von SPG und ÖPG 2017 (Swiss and Austrian Physical Societies), Geneva, 2017
Performance of compressed quantum computation
International conference for young quantum information scientists, Barcelona, 2016
Performance of compressed quantum computation
Annual meeting of the Austrian Physical Society, Vienna, 2016
Seminar talks
Classically simulable quantum computation and matchgate circuits
Q-Math Seminar Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2019
Classically simulable quantum computation and matchgate circuits
mathQI Seminar Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2019
Classically simulable quantum computation and matchgate circuits
Quantum Information Seminar, University of Innsbruck, 2019
Classically simulable quantum computation, matchgate circuits, and compressed quantum computation
Lunchtime Seminar, Department of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, 2019
The maximally entangled set of tripartite qutrit states
Centre for Quantum Information and Foundations Seminar, University of Cambridge, 2018
Compressed quantum computation using the IBM Quantum Experience & Pure state separable transformations which are not possible via LOCC
Centre for Quantum Computing and Intelligent Systems Seminar, University of Technology Sydney, 2017
The maximally entangled set of tripartite qutrit states
Quantum Information Seminar, University of Innsbruck, 2016
The maximally entangled set of tripartite qutrit states
Quantum Information Seminar, University of Innsbruck, 2015
The maximally entangled set of tripartite qutrit states
Group retreat, Vienna, 2014
Bose gas of tilted dipoles in coupled 2D-layers—ground state
Guest talk in the group of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rudolf Grimm, Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Innsbruck, 2013
Many body bose systems—ground state
Seminar on Theoretical Physics, University of Linz, 2013
Various presentations in the quantum information seminar on current literature, University of Innsbruck, 2014–2020, as well as various presentations in the frame of lectures on sepcial topics within quantum information theory, University of Innsbruck, 2016–2020
SFB BeyondC Conference, Vienna, 2021; SFB BeyondC Conference, Vienna, 2019; DK-ALM Summerworkshop, Kitzbühel, 2019; SFB FoQuS International Conference, Innsbruck, 2019; Recent Advances in Quantum Science and Technology, Munich, 2018; International School: Tensor Network based approaches to Quantum Many-Body Systems, Dresden, 2018; DK-ALM Summerworkshop, Obergurgl, 2018; 4th Seefeld workshop on Quantum Information, Seefeld, 2018; co-presenting the poster of the project part led by Barbara Kraus at the SFB BeyondC hearing, Vienna, 2018; Workshop on Multipartite Entanglement, Benasque, 2018; 21th Annual Conference on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2018), Delft, 2018; 38th SFB FoQuS meeting, Vienna, 2017; 3rd International Conference for Young Quantum Information Scientists, Erlangen, 2017; 35th SFB FoQuS meeting, Vienna, 2016; 34th SFB FoQuS meeting, Innsbruck, 2016; 33rd SFB FoQuS meeting, Innsbruck, 2016; 3rd Seefeld workshop on quantum information, Seefeld, 2016; Workshop on multipartite entanglement, Benasque, 2016; 31st SFB FoQuS meeting, Vienna, 2015; 30th SFB FoQuS meeting, Innsbruck, 2015; International Conference on Quantum Physics of Nature, Vienna, 2015
Further experiences
Participating in FWF hearing
on the second funding period of the DK-ALM, Vienna, 2019
Co-supervision of master theses
at the University of Innsbruck (2018–2019 and 2020–2021)
Research stays
in the groups of Julio de Vicente, 6+2 weeks, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2019), Richard Jozsa, 6 weeks, University of Cambridge (2018), and Runyao Duan, 6 weeks, University of Technology Sydney (2017)
the masters’ degree course “Proseminar Mathematische Methoden der Physik 3”, University of Innsbruck, 2017
for international journals: Physical Review Letters (PRL), Journal of Mathematical Physics (JMP), Europhysics Letters (EPL), Quantum, and Quantum Information Processing (QINP)
of the 4th Seefeld workshop on Quantum Information, Seefeld, 2018

My take on briefly explaining Quantum Information Theory
This short article (which is in parts an excerpt from my Dissertation) is my personal attempt at briefly explaining the research field of Quantum Information Theory to a technologically interested non-expert in quantum physics.

Falling Blocks
As a small hobby project, I have created a modest computer game utilizing 3D graphics, reminiscent of Tetris. This diverting 2-player game for Windows may be downloaded here.